Self Test

Fair sports clothes and equipment

Many of the things we buy are made in low-wage countries in inhumane working conditions. By opting for fair products, sports clubs can help to improve working conditions and serve as role models for their members and their environs. Especially in the procurement of sports clothes and equipment, sportsmen/sportswomen have a responsibility to enable humane working conditions and fair wages, and to prevent exploitation and breaches of international labour law. This is also the responsibility of the sports club when it procures sports clothes and equipment and organises joint procurement, or evenwhen it merely encourages its members to engage in fair procurement.

From the environmental viewpoint, sports clothes should also be made of renewable raw materials that have been produced in an environmentally sound manner and do not contain any harmful substances. For the purpose of resource efficiency, (online) swap shops for used sports uniforms, flea markets for sports uniforms, etc. especially for children's and young people's uniforms are meaningful ways to save resources. It is relatively easy for sports clubs to organise such activities.

The assortment of fair sports clothes and equipment produced in an environmentally sound manner may still be small, or even non-existent when it comes to some products, but it is continuously growing, also thanks to every single fair purchase decision. However, it is for the sports club to use its discretion to learn about the market situation of clothes and equipment and whether they are made in inhumane or environmentally sound conditions, or whether they are free of harmful substances, and/or to seek advice from institutions knowledgeable in this area.

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