Waste management

Nearly every sports club produces various types of waste. Usually the operator of the sports facility is in charge of waste disposal – a school or municipality. In consultation with venue operators, waste removal schemes should be integrated into the club’s everyday activities in an efficient and economically viable manner.

For sports clubs, the following sustainability-related goals are relevant:

  • As little waste as possible should be produced, which includes the release of microplastics into the environment.
  • Above all, as little hazardous waste as possible should be produced.
  • Unavoidable waste should be sorted, collected and consigned for proper treatment.
  • Limiting purchases to what is really needed
  • Giving preference to durable products requiring low-resource and low-energy input
  • Giving preference to multi-use products
  • Reuse
  • Environmentally sound waste disposal
  • Creation of a waste management blueprint